Tweeting Thoughts.

After actually restricting myself from getting on twitter for some time, i finally decided to get on an share a few thoughts the few minutes i would be spending on there. At the rate at which i was tweeting my thoughts and feelings, i knew i was actually messing up someone’s TL (Time Line)…#BigGrin..hehe.

Well, i should not be crucified about that. The thing is, i get all inspired whenever i know i only got 140 characters to pour out thoughts and feelings that could exhaust an encyclopedia…another #BigGrin.

So without even minding the retweets, favouriting, replies, or even follows, i took to tweeting my thoughts all over timelines. They say inspirations come whenever, and however…whenever, document it…however, experience it.

So i share with you this day, my little but original thoughts being chirped by the little social bird…#Twitter.

Hear me

No matter how much u love smebdy, they r always bound 2 get u angry. But how much u love them determines how long u stay angry with them.

Because i am human, i am bound to make mistakes. And since you are human, never judge me!!! #Word#Fact

My actions are actually my thoughts talking! The point is, actions say alot about thoughts. What you do is what you think (WYDIWYT).#Word

Sometimes, unknown people start popular trends! No matter how unknown you are, strive to stand out. #Word#Fact

That everybody is not talking about you doesnt mean nobody talks about you. Even when nobody talks about you, talk to yourself about you!

People lose out doing something great when they allow nothing important gain a greater part of their greatness.

That people are always able to take your bullsh*t doesnt really mean they wuld always be able to digest it. They could throw it all up on u.

Mistakes were yesterday. Today is correction. Tomorrow is uncertainty!!! #Word#Fact

Forward ever, backwards never! Yea, that is true…but not if you are stuck in a maze. #Word#Fact

Thanks for actually taking your time to read this. Your opinions, and criticism is always appreciated.

Cheers, ❤

Lessons Learned From ‘The Halved Visitor Of A Thousand Years’…(The Eclipse).

The Story:

Okay, today being the 3rd of November 2013, a world known scientific phenomenom happened. it was the SOLAR ECLIPSE! A few people must have witnessed this several times. For many, this might have been their first. And for a greater number, they missed yet another oppoturnity. Lucky for me, it was my first!!!

And like every ‘first-times’, there is always this joy and enthusiacism. Blood rushing, body uneasy, eye-balls popping, and this eagerness. Yea, it actually happened to me. I was so happy to see it because i had stood outside for what seemed like eternity…waiting for the halved visitor of a ‘thousand years’. I had been fiddling with my phone, and tweeting on hashtags when all of a sudden, i had this feeling to get a bucket of water outside. And just when the bucket was dropped, there it was!!!!…the HALVED VISITOR OF A THOUSAND YEARS (Partial Eclipse of the Sun) came by around 1:51pm!!!

Almost immediately, my eyeballs popped…because i was sure i heard them!!! I felt like a kid again who had just got his first toy!!! Yea, i must confess, i jumped, screamed, and looked closely into the bucket to be sure it was actually what it was!!! There it was, staring me in the face, the solar eclipse. I couldn’t believe i almost cursed the wind whenever it blew past…because it was really disrupting the view through my portal (the bucket of water).

I never knew i had actually stood there for about 5 minutes just admiring the beauty, and wondering what could actually be going on behind the scenes. Like every child who got a new toy, there’d be this time when you’d get tired of using the toy the built way, and try using it the ‘other’ way. I actually did it…the prohibition of every eclipse watch…DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT IT IF NOT WITHOUT SOME DARK SHADES!!! Well, i did!!! I looked the distant neighbours straight in the eyes!!! And right now, i’m praying and wishing i don’t regret that. I must confess, i couldnt see a thing!!!…and i was scared a bit.

Anyways, i felt i shouldnt just see this spectacular view and phenomenom just once…i had to get it recorded! Immediately, i brought out my phone to take pictures and make a video. Well, that didnt really work out. I guess the cameras too were scared to look the visitors in the eye. Unlike me who didnt see a thing when i looked them in the eye, the cameras were able to make out what they actually looked like. *Talks to the camera, “what?…you want to show them what you saw??…okay, go ahead lil man”. Here are the pictures as seen through my lens of my camera phone…and not my own lens.

The bright light is the actual eclipse. While the little banana shaped thing in the sky is the eclipse as decoded from the camera. The sun is actually the light there, while the moon (the dark part) blocks out the light a little and gives the banana shape.
The bright light is the actual eclipse. While the little banana shaped thing in the sky is the eclipse as decoded from the camera. The sun is actually the light there, while the moon (the dark part) blocks out the light a little and gives the banana shape.
Another picture. *Don't mind the eclipse duplicity...that it better explained in physics*
Another picture. *Don’t mind the eclipse duplicity (the banana shape in the sky appearing twice…that it better explained in physics*
The most beautiful picture i got from this. Looked like i took it from somewhere in space...hehehe.
The most beautiful picture i got from this. Looked like i took it from somewhere in space…hehehe.

Anyways, i was not able to do a video as all i saw was some bright lights that showed nothing interesting. To cut it short, i stood there for about 40 minutes…although i didnt think it was going to last that long. Finally, like every fun time, there is always a boring time (diminishing returns)…i got tired and entered inside. But kept coming out to check on it. After about an hour and twenty minutes, the clouds closed the curtains on the show!!! And when it was finally pulled back again, the show had already ended!!!


The Lesson Learned:

So, enough of my personal happiness, joy, and troubles…and straight to what i learned from this ‘a once or a few times in a life time’ experience and phenomenom. I would be talking mostly about The Sun (Light, Happiness, Success, Prosperity, Good Things, etc), the Moon (Darkness, Sadness, Pains, Failure, Bad Things, etc), and the Eclipse (A phase).

Now, the sun can be likened to our lives, abilities, wellbeing, standard, etc. When the sun in our lives is threatened by the moon (likened to situations, conditions, etc), we should all know its only an eclipse (a phase). So many times in our lives, situations arise that make us feel like we are never going to make it through. One thing we should  always know and remember, its just a phase. Yea, its true that time would pass (be wasted), and we might even not make it out the same. But no matter what happens, keep working hard and perservering behind all that moon…because its just passing by, and so only an eclipse!!!

If you ever wondered what happened behind all that darkness, its simple…the sun kept pushing hard so that its light is never extinguished forever!!! Whether partial or total, no condition is permanent!!!…its all a phase…an eclipse!!!

Cheers <3.

Waiting Patiently on Patience.

How long do i keep waiting?
How long do i keep waiting?

What exactly is patience?
Do you have patience?
Have you ever been angered by patience?
Is patience painful?
Why is patience ages?

All these and many more questions are questions people ask others and even theirselves, maybe you might have done so. If you havent, then try and do. Most times as Nigerians, we lack patience in almost everything we do… even in eating. Before the end of this article, i would be telling an annoying but educating experience i had with patience.

If we all should do a flash back on our various lives, we would be surprised to know that most mistakes made arise from lack of patience because we take or make hasty decisions and actions. Most people on the other hand not only make mistakes but get ruined for life because of lack of patience. Patience, among other things if not andled with care is a disastrous killer of destiny, purpose, meaning and future plans. We can therefore say that patience is being slow to anger or wrath, or the character or trait which needs developement for effective thinking and acting.

...ticking away
…ticking away

Most times here in Nigeria because of patience, people with patience are usually regarded as not being sharp (i.e being slow when others are moving so fast towards a target). Most greedy Nigerians use this as a means to outsmart the patient ones. Patient people are also usually jeered at when in the mist of hasty people (especially the get rich quick kind of people) and this in a way distracts them from their main purpose and purpose for being patient! These kind of patient people would in a way begin to feel inferior and finally end up being hasty in all their doings which might result to their ruin if not cecked early enough. Take for instance, a young man in his early twenties worked as a carpenter and had in mind that through his handiwork though not minding the sweat, he would be able to sustain himself and maybe succeed. But unfortunately for him, his friend who he knew as a lazy guy and who never had any thing doing came over to his house with a brand new model Ford jeep. Seeing this, he became immediately surprised and eager to know his friend made the money. Being a good friend but with some little bit of caution, he told him of how he got to make such money for a jeep (i.e through crime). The young man out of frustration decided to do just as his friend had done. Well, he got caught and had to spend some years in jail. Such kind of situations constitute the pains of being patient, and so makes patience a little bit of painful.

wait a little please??
wait a little please??

Apart from being painful, patience could seem like ages when the reason for being patient takes so long to happen or come to pass. Sometimes, people out of exaustation from being patient, start querrying themselves for being patient in the first place instead of being hasty in their doings, or they might even take after the young man in the story above. Another instance for explaining this is of a young lady who at the age of twenty began making plans about the type and kind of man she wanted as a usband. As usual, she wanted a handsome, caring, trust-worthy, God fearing, understanding, listening, and most importantly, a wealthy young man. That was her plan and so she had to wait for it. So many years passed by until finally she in exhaustation began to have a re-think on her kind of man. Well luckily for her, after detoriating in beauty and turning down so many proposals from so many men, her ‘Mr Right’ came knocking. Pheeew! What a relief that must have been for her for she was already twenty-nine years old. Though after such a long, frustrating, and exhausting wait, she is happily married with three lovely kids. With this story, patience could be said to seem like ages when plans, or dreams are not immediately met. But, with determination, it could be fun waiting!

Hope in patience
Hope in patience

Ever imagined how annoying patience could be? Patience could be annoying when after being tired of waiting for such a long time, you decide to take a hasty decision or action not knowing that could have been the time your need would have been met. This part reminds me of an annoying, sort of funny, but educating experience i had. I was surfing the wap world with my phone and suddenly, the connection was lost. I kept ‘refreshing’ the page trying to check if the connection had been restored but all to no avail. I continued with the refreshing until finally i got so annoyed that i pushed the ‘cancel’ command button. But, that was exactly when the connection was restored… but i had already pushed the button and so that was it, i had to start all over again… refreshing but this time with a lesson learned. Most of us might have had the same experience as mentioned above. And brings us to the question, “Just how much patient is enough”???

...and, Finally!!!
…and, Finally!!!

Finally, this goes out to you the reader, do you have patience?


Thanks for actually having enough patience to read upto this point. Your comments, criticisms, and opinions are always ever welcomed.


Cheers. ❤

My Thoughtful Thought For The Homeless Children

Looking high up in the ceiling, eyes open like i was in a trance, hands supporting my heavy skull like a child lifting a weight, and my mind racing like a race jet, i could feel thoughts hovering round my head with some bumping against my head as if trying to force their way in like illegal immigrants into spain. Suddenly, i began imagining what it felt like to be alone, nobody to talk to just like a proud lost traveller, the only company you might feel is the air around you whispering to you, and only if you could understand it, it might be telling you how lonely it is or how it had pity on you.

Up in the skies...they see hope.
Up in the skies…they see hope.

Not yet finished with the thought, another thought sprang up and i really felt so bad about it that i almost wept in pity. I began thinking about the little homeless children who have nowhere to rest their quaking heads after walking long, sometimes lonely distances in rags. Toes get bruised badly but not usually felt by the owner because they are already accustomed to it. Hairs looking so busy, entangled with dust and dandruff, and looking so unkempt that a razor would get broken if attempting to go in. Looking at their young tender but rough faces, tears in your eyes would be begging to come out and bath them clean. But the problem is that most of them though being blown around and bathed by the rains and loneliness of life, still smile when they see people… most times i take it that they dont understand what they are going through because i feel they just dont deserve it. What a seperate world they have got. A world where they get laughed at by flies, fight and scramble for food dogs, sheep, and even the ants. Most times, i wonder who between the homeless child and the rats is the landlord of the scanty, dingy, and dirty corner they live in.

Battling with the ants??
Battling with the ants??
Needing a rest.
Needing a rest.
If only they had a...
If only they had a…

They never cease making wishes which if contained in a cup would get filled up in seconds and overflow the earth. They never can stop dreaming dreams just as the sun can never cease shining. All they seek for is a home where they could atleast rest their heavy tired heads, pet their shaky knees and thin feet, and drop their butts which has already responded greatly to gravity. Being with friends and families is just alien to them. The dusty roads tell their footsteps, the rats tell their smell even from distances afar, the ants defend every crumb of food with jealousy, while the flies have the last ‘buzzzzy’ laugh at them. The air is their balance after walking long distances, but the ground is ever ready to accept them whenever they drop! Oh, what Homeless Adventure!

Finally, a happy child.
Finally, a happy child.


Cheers. ❤

From Me To You, Oh Dearest One.

Writing A Letter

*Oh Dearest, Oh Fairest One,

Today, i found myself lying on my bed.

thoughts and memories of you all banging in my head.

I found it difficult to actually make out my life without a treasure like you.

Right from the first moments, i knew i had found and felt something so true.


*Oh Beautiful, Oh Lovely One,

The love, the joy, the smiles, the kisses, and hugs you give me.

always reminded me of the bright and beautiful beginnings.

I can swear, i am not infatuated or faking this feeling.

With every touch of your hands, all my past hurts you were always healing.


*Oh Treasured, Oh Cherished One,

If only you know how much of a gem you are to me.

you’d always pray along with me that we are meant to be.

Your eyes, your smile, and your laugh all tell alot about your gentle soul.

Loving you, standing by you, and holding you would always be my one single goal.


*Oh Dearest, and Fairest One, this is from me to you.

Letting you know how glad i am i got a treasure like you.

P.S: This is just a little attempt to show you how more than a world you mean to me.


*Dedicated To Everyone Who Loves And Treasures That Special One In Their Life*

Cheers. ❤

One Percenters





9 June 2015

“Good morning, Chuck. The weather seems better today than yesterday.”

“I don’t know. See those black clouds moving in?”

I said, “There is rain in the forecast, but it’s not supposed to start until late this afternoon. Of course, the weather forecasters are usually wrong.”

“The rain is coming in soon. I can feel it.”

A woman stopped and asked about Goldie’s health. Chuck replied,  “She seems to be doing okay. *I’ll know better this evening. I’m cooking steak and liver for supper. I’ll cut some into little bits and feed them to her. If she eats it all, I’ll know that she’s feeling better. As it is now, she’s still off her food.” Chuck bent over Goldie, sitting on his lap. She responded by licking his face.

“I don’t know how much longer I’m going to be coming down here. One of these days…

View original post 308 more words

Back again.

After such a long time off the blog space, I get back to posting my solo thoughts out here for the world to read.
This time, posting would be easier and better as I have got an application for the swift posting of articles on here.
So hopefully, there would be more of me on here.

I hope 2015 ends up a very good year for everyone.

When Love Is True, It Is Unique, And Sincere!!!

From the above title, we all should know what this is all about…or atleast, a few of us would. Today, i plan sharing through this blog post;

  • Love
  • Its Uniqueness
  • Its Sincerity (Truthfulness) a.k.a True Love.

In achieving this, i implore you my dear reader, to search deep within you for that little spark of love…even though it used to be there, or never been there. Would be great if that spark is presently and currently there. I bet if that spark is there, it would trigger a smile on your face…if it used to be there, it could trigger bitterness and anger depending on how it was extinguished. But whatsoever the expression on your face, i hope to make you see reasons why that spark should never be completely extinguished or dimmed.

Now let me get straight to the point and try throwing some lights on the issue.

What is Love???

When Love Comes
Love Isnt Just About Falling In Love. Its About Both Partners Knowing, And Acknowledging That They Are In Love, And Then Working Together Towards Maintaining, And Staying In Love.

What Makes Love Unique From Other Feelings???

Love is unique from other feelings because its one feeling without an explanation. You’d know you feel something but can’t explain it. In fact, any feeling you can’t explain is love…lol.
Love is special.
Love is heavenly.
Love is bliss.

What Actually Is True Love???

So, when next you feel that true love for, and from someone, never let it go. Treasure it like it was ever your last. Even if you keep searching for it, and seem not to be finding it, never give up! True Love Awaits Everyone…if only we could wait a little longer (patience).

Cheers. ❤

Love to Love You

Thats that feeling when you’re in love. You just don’t have reasons why you love them the way you do.

Contemplating Love

love to love you

He loved to love her when she was down

When she looked like hell and her hair wasn’t done

He loved to touch her when she refused to smile

To hold her tight like a little child

He loved that loving her required no effort

It was as easy as the summer breeze

He didn’t know what made him love her

But he did it anyway

Daily Prompt

View original post

Thoughts from the VIOLET diary, 116!

Don’t tell her you love her, the words will burn on your tongue, and you won’t be able to survive her fury when you explain you were only saying what you thought was expected. Don’t tell a writer anything you don’t mean, they’ll remember the words you’ve forgotten because they wrote them down.

Don’t put your arms around her, you might feel the outlines of her bones and the heaviness of her ache. The pressure of your touch will ignite memories of all those before you and how they left her waiting. She’ll tell you how they left her broken and each time she was lonelier than the last. She’ll make you want to stay but the voice in your head will beg for mercy.

Don’t smile when you say her name, she doesn’t want to hear those sounds that fool her into believing she was special or something different when she’s only ever a stepping stone for someone else’s lips. When she looks into your eyes and sees old flames she will fall in love with your exquisite lies.

Don’t tell her she’s beautiful, don’t waste your empty words and force her to smile politely at your ill intentions and wicked ways. She’ll buy you a new shirt so she can wear your old one when you finally leave her. She’ll learn your favourite poem and recite every word with the fanatic obsession of a madman.

Don’t promise her anything, don’t give her any opportunity to blame you for letting her down. She’ll throw your vows back in your face when you most deserve it, and even then you won’t acknowledge saying forever was a crime. She’ll yell obscenities and wake the neighbours but they won’t complain because they’d seen her smile once in the elevator.

Don’t hold her when she’s crying, or she’ll miss you when you’re gone and forget how she survived before without you. She’ll dig her nails into your skin and leave traces of her infatuation with passionate bruises. She wanted to scream when you wiped her tears away because you put them there in the first place.

Don’t give her a shoulder to lean on or she’ll lose her balance and fall harder when you’re gone. She’s stumbling along, day after day, like a lost soul that’s too far gone to be found. She tried forgetting all your mistakes but every time she forgot a hug she recalled a sigh.

Don’t tell anyone about her, the girl that loved you more than life, the one with coldness in her eyes. Don’t tell the next one she had a wildness about her that burned like fire, and a wicked way with prose that wounded like ice. When it’s dark and late at night, don’t whisper you miss her, don’t wake the innocent soul lying next to you by yearning for the kiss that felt like home.


*This is a re-blog from Violet‘s blog…title, 116*